On Saturday 7th September, at 3:30 p.m., the events at the Museum of Torcello, connected to the 3rd edition of the project “Shared Archeological Heritage and Comunity”, will start again. The Metropolitan City of Venice and San Servolo Srl offer a guided free tour to Torcello island.
The expert archaeologist Marco Paladini, who has worked as a researcher of the University Ca’ Foscari at the excavation campaigns at Torcello and Lio Piccolo, will lead you to the discover of the island through the storytales of the ancient earth and the collections of the museum, belonging to the history of the entire lagoon.
The tour and the visit are free of charge and last 1.30 h.
Meeting point: at the entrance of the museum at 3:20 p.m.
Archeological support credit to Scatola Cultura cooperativa sociale
Reservation is required: torcello.eventi@cittametropolitana.ve.it within Friday, 6th September at 12:00. Please write the Name and Surname of people registered and a telephone number.
How to get there:
Public transport ACTV: Line 12 from Fondamente Nóve to Burano and Line 9 from Burano to Torcello.
Check the time schedules in https://actv.avmspa.it/it/content/orari-servizio-di-navigazione-0
Recommended: Line 12 from Fondamente Nóve at 2:10 p.m. and Line 9 from Burano to h. 3:00 p.m.
For information about the Museum and activities:
museo.torcello@cittametropolitana.ve.it o Tel. 0412501780
The event is included in the project "Shared archaeological heritage and community III edition", realized with the support of LR 17/2019 in partnership with Comune di Cavallino Treporti, Soprintendenza Archeologia belle arti e Paesaggio for the City of Venice and Laguna and University Ca' Foscari of Venice.