
Piazza Torcello, 30142 Torcello, Venice
Tel. +39 041/730761 Fax +39 041/5328508


How to get there

Public service ACTV

- boat line n. 12 VENEZIA (F.te Nove) - MURANO - MAZZORBO - BURANO - TREPORTI - PUNTA SABBIONI (and viceversa)

- boat line n. 9 Burano - Torcello (and viceversa) with change in Burano.

From Venice: Fondamenta Nuove – Burano – Torcello.
From the mainland : Punta Sabbioni – Treporti – Burano - Torcello.


For information about public transport routes and time schedules:

Call-center Dime tel. (+39) 041 041 

Consulta l'orario dei servizi di navigazione:


Opening times and Admission

Winter time: 1/11-28/02  10:00 – 17:00
Summer time: 1/03-31/10  10:30 – 17:30
Closed:on Monday and national festivities, 21
st November (opened 15st August)
Tickets: full price Euro 3,00
Reduced price Euro 1,50 (for groups more than 10 people, Children aged 6 to 12 ).

Free admission for classes accompanied by teachers and for children up to 5 years and UE citizens over 65.


On Thursday free for residents of the Metropolitan City of Venice


Cumulative Tickets: Basilica, Museum plus Tower: € 12.00; reduced for groups € 10.00

- Basilica plus Museum: € 8.00; reduced for groups € 6.00


Facilities Book shop no - wardrobe no - coffeeshop no


Access for the disabled Present. Staircase to reach the archeological section and winding staircase between the ground floor and the first floor of the medieval and modern section.


Educational aids and co-ordinated activities

Captions and information panels; multilingual guide-books, aids for visit, didactic laboratories for schools.



- Il Museo di Torcello bronzi, ceramiche, marmi di età antica catalogo della sezione archeologica, edited by Giulia Fogolari, Marsilio

- Il Museo di Torcello, guida breve alle due sezioni, Marsilio 1994.
- Museo di Torcello sezione medievale e moderna, catalogue edited by Giulia Fogolari, Provincia di Venezia, 1978 (out of print but distributed in all libraries)



- Callegari Adolfo, Il museo provinciale di Torcello,Venezia, 1930.
- Levi Cesare Augusto, Catalogo degli Oggetti d’Antichità del Museo provinciale di Torcello con brevi notizie dei luoghi e delle epoche di ritrovamento, Venezia,1988

Additional bibliography is available relating to different categories of findings and to the history of the island.


Director Dr. Michele Fratino

Cultural Sector Manager – Metropolitan City of Venice


Computer department manager Nomination pending


Collections and sections

The museum is divided into two sections. The Palazzo del Consiglio, which was originally built in the XVIth century and is the seat of the medieval and modern sections, while the Palazzo dell’archivio, the other remaining building in the square, which dates back to XIth – XVIth century houses the archeological section. A group of marbles belonging to the museum are found in the Loggia of Palazzo dell’archivio and in the open space between the two Palaces.


Scientific aids Photographic archive


Inventory  On paper
Paper Catalogue of findings of the Archeological Section.
Computer Catalog of the Medieval and Modern Sections attained in collaboration with the Veneto Region and the Carive Foundation, carried out by the Dipartment of History of Arts and Preservation of Artistic Heritage of the University of Ca Foscari - Venice.


Management and ownership  Metropitan City of Venice


Collection owned by Metropolitan City of Venice – State property


Installations  Burglar and fire alarm.


